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184 Main Collins Street | West Victoria 8007

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+91 9944464222

Mon - Sat 09:00 - 19:00 / Closed on Weekends

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Industries We Serve

Powder Coating for Every Industry

TATA Powder Coating is proud to serve our valued customers in a wide range of industries. Our investment in advanced equipment and state of the art technology has propelled us to be the logical choice in powder coating services, regardless of industry.
While we have extensive experience working with the industries listed below, we are always eager to learn about your industry and work with you to find a custom solution for your unique application.

The markets we serve include:

ACE-Agricultural and Heavy Equipment Agricultural/Heavy Equipment Components
Architectural Aluminum Building Products Doors, Extrusions, Fencing, Windows, Panels, Curtains
Automotive OEM/Aftermarket Underbody/Hood Components, Interior
Decorative Hardware, Patio Furniture, Racking, Shelving
HDT-Heavy Duty Truck HDT Interior/Exterior Components
Functional Pipes/Valves/Tanks
Electrical Cabinetry/UL Applications Electrical Cabinetry, Switch Boxes, Controls
Metal Building Products Fencing, Metal Cladding, Tiles
Metal Office Furniture Chair, Desk and File Cabinets